Estate Planning

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If something happens to you, what happens to the people who depend on you?

If you’re like many Australians, you probably haven’t planned for what happens if you unexpectedly die or become permanently ill or disabled.

Think about it. How will debts be paid? What will happen to your ageing parents, your dependent children and your animals? What about your property, superannuation and money held in banks, trusts and other investments? Granting Power of Attorney and having a will are important, but other things need to be considered, especially if you provide your family’s main income or you own a business.

If you haven’t accounted for everything, and made it clear who gets what and when, then it could take time to settle your estate. It could mean unexpected issues for your family or business partners. And it could cause trouble between loved ones. You don’t want time delays to hold up access to your money, or the wrong people to benefit from your estate.

You want to be confident that decisions about your estate are entirely in your hands.

The Estate Planner is an online tool that can help you take full control of your estate. It’s a checklist and action plan, all in one. The tool asks you a series of questions about your situation which you answer with a simple point-and-click. Then you get a report with suggestions of the practical steps to take to put your estate in order.

The Estate Planner has been provided totally at our cost. It takes less than 15 minutes of your time and it gives you peace of mind that important issues have been thought of. The decision to go any further is then entirely up to you.

As your financial adviser, we get a copy of the report so if you want to discuss your options or take any of the suggested actions, we can help. Your information will only be shared with others if it’s needed for your plan, and then only with your permission.

Make sure that the right people are looked after in the right way at the right time.

Now’s a good time to put your plan in place, and the Estate Planner is a quick and easy way to start. To get your free report Click Here